Vision & Strategy

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We all have a role to play in building a better future. For Epson, being a sustainable company means being mindful of every aspect of our organisation – from the smallest lightbulb to the largest factory.

CSR strategy

Epson continues to contribute to the greater awareness of global social issues. Part of our mission is to build trust through the creation of innovative products and solutions, that help local communities grow and prosper. Our ongoing CSR activity helps create a better world and is at the heart of Epson’s Management Philosophy.

Sustainable Development Goals

“Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was adopted in 2015 at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, which was attended by more than 150 world leaders.

This agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity that includes a declaration and a set of 17 goals and 169 targets for sustainable development.

As stated in its Management Philosophy, Epson seeks to become an indispensable company, an ambition that Epson considers to be consistent with the realisation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.


Epson’s CSR Management Office has a direct reporting line to the company President. The global director of CSR is a member of Seiko Epson’s board of directors and has overall responsibility and authority for the Epson Group’s CSR activities.

CSR Organisation

The mission of the CSR Management Office is to promote CSR activities throughout the Epson Group and to help make Epson an indispensable company.

Key CSR themes

To reach the goals stated in our Management Philosophy and to become an indispensable company, we believe it is important to identify challenges and to address them through positive business activities.

In 2017, Epson selected CSR themes, taking into account social issues defined by ISO 26000 and other sources. We evaluated them from both our perspective and a social perspective, and prioritised the key themes in the “Key CSR Themes (Materiality)” matrix. Learn about our key CSR themes below.

Creating new products and services with leading technologyProduct quality and communicationsEffective use of energy and resourcesCompliance
Business operations aligned with global social trendsConsumer health and safetyClimate change and global warmingStrengthening information security
Productivity improvement utilising ICTPromoting diversityContributing to the environment through products and services
Products competitivenessHuman resources development, hiring, and retention
Strategic marketingRespecting human rights
Supply chain management


As a member of society, Epson takes an uncompromising approach to socially responsible corporate conduct in areas such as compliance, human rights, environmental action, workforce diversity, and supply chain management. We take these and other social issues seriously and are working toward solutions. We aspire to make Epson an indispensable company through the practice of ethical corporate conduct and by playing a central role in realizing a better world through the products and services we provide.


We are committed to transparency and have been documenting our CSR activities since 1999.


Epson’s ongoing commitment to building a better future has been recognised across Europe.

Find out more about Corporate Social Responsibility